TaskManager , Regedit, CMD not working

Ya !
many a time its happen that your Taskmanager is not open
ERROR: Task Manager is disable by your Administrator
ERROR: Regedit is disable by your administrator
Don't worry here I have a simple solution for that ...
This solution doesnot include any big code or procdure
just follow this simple steps ..
>Goto to run and type c:/windows/System32
Goto system32 directory within the Windows directory
find taskmgr for taskmanager and find regedit for regedit

and just rename it and have the access on them again...
this is due to because Virus find them with their names and as you rename them they were strangers to Virus
The same way to use the CMD
find the and rename it and have access on it.
if you rename the CMD as abc then call the cmd from run as abc
>Goto run and type abc
your cmd will be open ..
do now whatever you want to do ......

1 comment:

Kaushil said...

Opening the taskmgr and cmd is useful


Windows only recognize regedit

not anything else

so what will be the use of the changes we have made to regedit??????